Tag: May/June 2020

A Man for the Kids

A tribute to a school superintendent who can dress as Elvis one minute, speak to a class the next, and lead a board meeting the next.

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A Chat with the Couple Behind Local 39

Jonathan Sealy has spent two decades crafting cocktails and more at Highlands Bar & Grill, but when he and his wife Lyndsey started dreaming up a place of their own it was the neighborhood that mattered most.

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From Lakeshore to the World

Lakeshore Foundation researchers are looking for ways to bring exercise for people with physical disabilities or chronic health conditions far beyond its walls.

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Coming Soon: A Newly Renovated Homewood High School

If you’ve driven past Homewood High School lately, you’ve noticed its back side is starting to look quite grand. As it gains 108,000 square feet and many new facilities, it’s also getting a new entrance on the side facing Lakeshore Drive.

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